Thursday, October 2, 2014


Hello folks!

Well, this is a new blog with a different goal! 
Here I want to let you all guys knowing what I am learning about: microbes!

Actually I will share about two specific microoganisms, Escherichia coli and Herpes virus.

Just to you all know, it comes from an assignment given by Professor Lippert, because I am enrolled in microbiology course at Sain't Michaels College (you've maybe read about in other blog - "A realidade de um sonho").

The puporse of the assignment is to study about two microorganisms, a bacteria and a virus, and share what you are learning. We could choose how to do this, like writing a paper, sharing during the classes, making a presentetion, or... a blog! Particularly I liked this idea very much, because I can post pictures, new stuffs about the theme, and do it in an innovative way.

Two things:
-First, (my Brazilian friends) this blog will be writen in English, the reason I don't need to explain right...
-Second, to native English speakers, I may make some mistakes on writing, as you know I am not at max level of English language yet.. 

But anyway, let's see what happens and how it works! Feel free to make any coments, criticals or suggestions!

I hope you like it!

Figure © 1991 by Gonick & Wheelis, The Cartoon Guide to Genetics.
E. coli K12, the prokaryotic wimp
Escherichia coli is a coliform bacterium that is a normal component of the human intestinal flora, and is ordinarily not a dangerous organism. The K12 and related strains of E. coli used in molecular cloning have been modified so that they are able to survive in culture only under very specific conditions, and unable to survive at all in the human gut. (text © 2009 by Steven M. Carr)

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